RomCom Review
About Me
Hello, fellow romcom enthusiasts!
Welcome to my website. I hope you've taken a self-guided tour to discover some of the fun nooks and crannies!
I have been blogging about Hallmark movies since 2019 and added Great American Family to mix once the channel launched in 2021. I consolidated both websites under one umbrella when I rebranded as RomCom Review.
I love engaging with other Hallmarkies and Greatfuls, and I built this website to include all the favorite elements fans tell me they love.
You want to hear the latest news--sneak peeks at upcoming premieres, celebrities who ink deals with a channel, personal tidbits the stars share on social media, info about new series, network changes, and more. I blog about those topics in addition to writing movie reviews. Just click the "Blog" button on the site menu and then navigate to the "News" tab.
You want to know when your favorite movies are released to DVD. You can find a tab for those on the menu. I include new releases as well as fan favorites. You will also find seasonal merchandise on the page to help you get into the spirit of each season!
Not everyone is a bookworm, but for those who love reading, you can visit the page "Books Behind the Movies" where I include links to the books that inspired so many of our favorite movies.
You LOVE movie schedules! Both networks display their schedules on their respective websites, and many of you have the app; however, tons of you love to have a daily schedule that puts all the info in one convenient spot. You can find that here under the "Schedules" tab.
You are dedicated fans who appreciate lists of each celebrity's filmography so you can make sure you haven't missed any of his or her movies. You can click the menu button for that info--more stars are always being added.
Who am I? Most movie fans just enjoy scrolling around my site and don't give a thought to who's behind it. When someone demands my name, the person is usually "triggered" by something I've said and wants to find and cancel me. Yes, that is the era in which we are living. (With all that is happening in the world today, it's hard to imagine that a romcom review would be the thing that sent someone over the edge).
Still, I love and appreciate the "regulars" who stop by to visit. Most are animated, insightful, and kind. So, in appreciation of you lovely souls out there, you can call me "Roma." Not my real name, but short for "Romantic," which is what the first part of RomCom means. It has a nice ring to it!